Publ: Development Blog

Entries tagged planning

Publ 0.6.8, Authl 0.4.3

Posted Sunday, August 2 at 2:37 AM (4 years ago)

Some pretty big new features added. First, in Authl:

  • Major documentation improvements
  • Bug fixes with Fediverse instance caching
  • All providers now normalize to the same profile format
  • Some basic spam prevention for the email provider
  • 100% unit test coverage on the Fediverse provider (which is now using instead of a hand-rolled OAuth client)

And in Publ:

  • Fenced code now uses <figure> and <figcaption> instead of ad-hoc <div>s for its layout, and the overall HTML semantic has been greatly improved
  • Individual code blocks are now configurable with respect to highlighting and line numbering
  • The user object now provides a user profile and separates the identity URL from the familiar name

Publ 0.6.6, Authl 0.4.0

Posted Sunday, May 31 at 3:32 AM (4 years ago)

I’ve just released new versions of Publ and Authl.

Publ v0.6.6 changes:

  • Fixed a regression that made it impossible to log out
  • Fixed a problem where WWW-Authenticate headers weren’t being cached properly
  • Improve the changed-file cache-busting methodology
  • Add object pooling to Entry, Category, and View (for a potentially big memory and performance improvement)

Authl v0.4.0 changes:

  • Finally started to add unit tests
  • Removed some legacy WebFinger code that was no longer relevant or ever touched
  • Added a mechanism to allow providers to go directly to login, as appropriate
  • Added friendly visual icons for providers which support them (a so-called “NASCAR interface”)

Publ v0.6.5

Posted Thursday, May 28 at 3:45 PM (4 years ago)

Publ v0.6.5 is now out. Has the following changes:

  • Upgrading Publ will now invalidate the cache
  • Fixes the missing database session around the authentication log viewer
  • Fixes the way that the indexer works when an entry changes ID
  • Fixes a bug where draft entries' temporary IDs were overriding the permanent/assigned IDs of visible entries
  • Added some useful commandline tools

The next things I want to work on:

  • Micropub endpoint (done as a separate component that you can optionally add)
  • Adding more unit tests
  • Maybe an actual (very basic) CMS UI? I dunno

Publ 0.4.6, Authl 0.1.5

Posted Friday, July 26 at 12:36 AM (5 years ago)

Updated some packages.

Main things with Publ since the last release:

  • Internal cleanups to how caching happens
  • Stop spuriously-caching a bunch of stuff; in particular login/logout endpoint URLs no longer get cached
  • Various cleanups
  • Improve the way that built-in templates are managed
  • Initial cruddy implementation of an admin authentication dashboard (although this isn’t quite ready for prime time)

The only Authl change is that email identities are now given as a full mailto: URL; going forward all identity strings will be full URLs. This simplifies the UX for admin dashboards, in particular, and removes some ambiguity.

v0.4.0 released! Let’s talk future!

Posted Monday, May 13 at 11:11 PM (5 years ago)

Oh wow, I finally closed out the Publ 0.4.0 milestone. So, wow, this is a pretty big deal for me.

Changes since 0.3.23:

So that closes out the last three issues before I was ready to consider this usable by a wider audience. Neat.

There’s a lot of stuff I want to do for 1.0 of course, but also more importantly I need to vastly improve the documentation on this site, as well as collect things to make it easier for people to get started with Publ. I would absolutely invite people to make suggestions; have you looked into Publ, and been confused about what exactly to do? Please let me know!

The best ways to do so are to either hop onto my Discord channel or to open issues against the documentation site.

v0.3.19, now with extra tagging goodness!

Posted Monday, March 4 at 3:47 PM (5 years ago)

I’ve released Publ v0.3.19, which now finally has a tagging system, which is only one of the oldest issues that was still open.

Here’s a list of what’s been added or changed since 0.3.18:


I want to thank Karina Antonio for implementing image cropping.

v0.3.18, now with better asset management!

Posted Wednesday, February 27 at 9:38 PM (5 years ago)

I’ve just released v0.3.18, with the following changes:

  • Add date grouping properties to entry
  • Add a pages property to view
  • Provide the current category object to the error handler
  • Support linking to non-image/non-entry local files
  • Added, then removed, some performance micro-optimizations that only caused problems

More details about the major changes below!

Update: I released a hotfix as because there was a last-minute bug that snuck in while I was trying to silence a new pylint error. Oops.


Posted Saturday, December 15 at 1:08 AM (5 years ago)

v0.3.11 is now released, with the following changes:

  • A more complete fix for how to handle image sets and inline images with respect to paragraphs
  • Better cleanup for spurious empty paragraphs
  • Improved internal entry link handling

Detailed descriptions of the changes are below.

v0.1.19: creeping ever closer to beta status

Posted Sunday, May 27 at 5:22 PM (6 years ago)

The amount of stuff I’m having to fix in Publ to support is diminishing rapidly! Here’s what’s happened since 0.1.18:

  • Improved the Path-Alias redirection logic; now it will do a 301 Permanently Moved for inbound Path-Aliased requests, and if a Path-Alias points to an entry with a Redirect-To it will redirect directly to that URL instead (and it will be a 302, same as the old Redirect-To behavior)
  • Pagination can now be weekly; you can use entry.archive(paging='week'), and a ?date= view parameter ending in _w will provide a weekly view instead.
  • Better default formatting for view.range, and an addition of a week format parameter there