Publ: Image renditions

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Image rendition support

In entries

See the entry format article

In templates

Pass these in as parameters to entry.body and/or entry.more to configure the default values for entry images.

The template also gets a function, image(), that allows the template itself to render images.

Configuration values

General configuration

  • absolute: Whether to produce absolute URLs

  • link: Put a hyperlink on the image pointing to the given URL. Acceptable values:

    • Any string: Treated like an ordinary Markdown link (including linking to local entries and files)
    • False: Prevent any link from being added, including for a gallery
    • True: Link directly to the fullsize rendition of the image, overriding gallery display
  • link_class: What CSS class to apply to the image’s hyperlink

  • image_loading: What image loading mode to use. Possible values:

    • "lazy": Instruct the browser to only load the images when they come into view on the page (default)
    • "eager": Instruct the browser to load the image as soon as possible
    • False: Use the browser default (usually "eager")

Style options

  • img_class: If set, sets the class attribute on the image tag

  • img_style, style: A string or a list of strings, which provide inline CSS rules to the <img> element

    When the element is written, any attributes in style will override those in img_style; the intention is that in a Markdown tag, img_style comes from the container and style comes from the image.

  • shape: Adds the CSS3 shape-outside attribute to the image tag’s style; can be one of the following:

    • True: Uses the base rendition of the image itself (this is usually what you want)

    • A string value: uses the specified image’s alpha channel as the shape

      This can be any path scheme supported by the image path scheme (e.g. local-file.png, /common/absolute-file.png, @images/static-file.png, //

    For example, if you have an image inset-image.jpg that you want to mask off with inset-image-mask.png and float left, you can do:


    It is better to make image insets' float rules part of your stylesheet, however, so that it can be responsive; for example:


    The size of the outline image will be mapped the same as the base image, wherever possible; for example:


    will size both the image and its mask to fit within a 320x320 square.

Inline image sizing

  • scale: What factor to scale the source image down by (e.g. 3 = the display size should be 33%)

  • scale_min_width: The minimum width to target based on scaling

  • scale_min_height: The minimum height to target based on scaling

  • width: The width to target

  • height: The height to target

  • max_width: If present and smaller than width, use this instead (useful for templates)

  • max_height: If present and smaller than height, use this instead (useful for templates)

  • resize: If both width and height are specified, how to fit the image into the rectangle if the aspect ratio doesn’t match

    • fit: Fit the image into the space (default)
    • fill: Fill the space with the image, cropping off the sides
    • stretch: Distort the image to fit
  • scale_filter: What scaling algorithm to use when resampling the image. Case-insensitive. See the Pillow documentation for more information on the available algorithms. Defaults to lanczos.

  • crop: Crops the thumbnail to the given rectangle, which is provided in the form of (x,y,w,h) or 'x,y,w,h', where x and y are the coordinates of the top-left corner and w and h are the size of the rectangle.

    The () notation is more flexible, but sometimes it doesn’t work; in that case, use the '' notation instead.

  • fill_crop_x: If resize="fill", where to take the cropping (0=left, 1=right); default=0.5

  • fill_crop_y: If resize="fill", where to take the cropping (0=top, 1=bottom); default=0.5

Note: Images will never be scaled to larger than their native resolution. (In the future there may be an option to still resize it larger client-side, where the actual rendition will be the native size but the <img> tag gets the expanded width and height.)

File format options

  • format: Select the format to display the image as (defaults to the original format)

  • background: The background color to use when converting transparent images (such as PNG or WebP) to non-transparent formats (such as JPEG); this can also be used to force an image to be non-transparent.

    This parameter can be in a number of formats:

    • A named color such as "black" or "white"
    • An HTML-style hex code such as "#ff7733" or "#f73"
    • An RGB tuple such as (0,127,35) (note the lack of quotes!)

    If you’re daring you can also use any of the other color formats supported by PIL.ImageColor, e.g. "hsl(0,100%,50%)"

  • quality: The quality level to use for all renditions, if applicable

  • quality_ldpi: The quality level to use for low-DPI renditions

  • quality_hdpi: The quality level to use for high-DPI renditions

  • lossless: Whether to use lossless compression, if available

  • quantize: How many colors to use in the output color palette, if available

Image set options

These options drive the behavior of image sets.

  • figure: Whether to wrap the image set inside a <figure>. If this is set to a string, the string is used as a CSS class.

  • caption: Adds a caption to the image set. Markdown is supported. Implies figure=True.

  • div_class: The CSS class to use for the containing <div>

  • div_style: A string or a list of strings, which provide inline CSS rules to the <div> element

  • gallery_id: An identifier for the Lightbox image set (for use with lightbox.js or any other lightbox implementation that uses the data-lightbox property to function)

    • Note: If link is set (including to False), this option has no effect
  • count: How many images to allow in the image set (useful for feeds)

  • count_offset: If count is set, also skip this number of images at the beginning

  • fullsize_width: The maximum width for the popup image

  • fullsize_height: The maximum height for the popup image

  • fullsize_crop: The cropping rectangle for the full-sized image; see crop for the format.

  • fullsize_quality: The JPEG quality level to use for the popup image

  • fullsize_format: What format the popup image should be in (defaults to the original format)

  • fullsize_background: The background color to use when converting transparent images (such as .png) to non-transparent formats (such as .jpg)

  • more_text: If images were skipped due to count or count_offset, add this text after the image set. This string will be rendered with the following template arguments:

    • {count}: The total number of images in the image set
    • {remain}: The number of images not shown
  • more_link: If more_text is shown, it will be wrapped in a link with this location

  • more_class: If more_text is shown, it will be given this CSS class (either on the <a> tag if it’s a link, or via a <span>)

Template meta-options

  • prefix: Specify one or more prefixes to check for additional rendition options.

    For example, if you have the following in your index.html:

    {{ entry.body(prefix='index_') }}

    then if you have an image like this:


    then on the page rendered via index.html it will be equivalent to:


    You can also specify multiple prefixes to check by putting them in a list, e.g.

    {{ entry.body(prefix=['index_','blog_']) }}

    In the case of multiple prefixes, the last one takes priority, so list them as least to most specific.

    This is probably only useful from a template file, rather than from an entry. Using a prefix on the prefix attribute itself (e.g. ![{index_prefix='foo_'}](me.jpg{foo_format='png'})) is undefined behavior and should probably make your head hurt to think about, and no it isn’t Turing-complete so don’t bother trying.

Useful template examples

A webcomic

index.html and entry.html:

This will treat source images as being 3x screen resolution, make images scale to no narrower than 480 pixels and to no wider than 960 pixels, encourage them to be a JPEG (with transparency turning white), and with 35% JPEG quality for the high-DPI rendition.

{{ entry.body(


This will resize the image to no more than 400 pixels wide or tall and crop the thumbnail to the top or left of the image (making for a useful non-punchline-destroying excerpt).

{{ entry.body(

In the above example, if you have a comic that is provided at screen resolution to begin with (such as guest art) you can override the default scaling with e.g.:

![](guest-comic.png{scale=1} "Amazing guest comic!")

Or if there’s one you want to force to a specific size:


which can also be written more compactly as:


With the below setup, if an entry provides an image set with a count_offset parameter, e.g.

![{count_offset=2}](image1.jpg | image2.jpg | image3.jpg | image4.jpg)

then on the index and feed (where there’s a count set) skip the first two images and thus show image3.jpg as the first image. This allows you to set a “poster” frame for the image set as a whole.


This will show just the first image in the gallery at its original aspect, and then link the user to the full gallery page with an image count.

{{ entry.body(
    more_text='Show {count} images',


This will show the full gallery with square thumbnails and a reasonable default gallery ID, and the full images at 4K resolution. The thumbnails will be wrapped in a <div class="gallery_thumbs">.

{{ entry.body(


This will show tiny thumbnails of the first three images of the gallery and will link to the full gallery page.

{{ entry.body(
    more_text='{remain} more images in gallery')