Now working on Heroku!
Converting Publ into a pip-installable library ended up making the Heroku deployment really easy. While the main site is running on Dreamhost, there is an instance on Heroku as well, which seems to be running reliably (although if it gets hammered with activity I assume Heroku will shut it down until I start actually paying them money).
Converting Publ into a pip-installable library ended up making the Heroku deployment really easy. While the main site is running on Dreamhost, there is an instance on Heroku as well, which seems to be running reliably (although if it gets hammered with activity I assume Heroku will shut it down until I start actually paying them money).
There’s a few pluses and minuses to Heroku compared to traditional hosting on a persistent server (such as Dreamhost).
The pluses
Heroku can be set to automatically pull/deploy from GitHub when there’s a content update. So, now when I push changes to this blog, Heroku redeploys it automatically!
You also have a choice of fronting server. I went with gunicorn since that’s what most people seem to recommend with Flask (including Heroku themselves). And the way I had the local test process setup made it absolutely trivial to use with gunicorn’s default launcher. My procfile is literally just:
web: gunicorn app:app
This also means that the site can scale way more easily if necessary; if, for some reason, it gets pelted with a lot of traffic it’s pretty easy to tell Heroku to spin up more instances and load-balance them.
Heroku also has memcached support available, and configuring that to work with Publ should be pretty trivial.
The minuses
Every deployment completely wipes the instance and re-pulls everything fresh.
Immediately, this means that unless you configure Publ to use a persistent database (like MySQL), it has to do a full content index on every restart. Fortunately, content scans are pretty quick.
Another implication of this is that it changes the way you have to think about making content. For example, one of my medium-term ideas is to have a cron job that consumes and republishes content from an external feed (to syndicate content I post on other sites, like SoundCloud or whatever). In this world, the necessary approach would be to have a cron job running somewhere that can persist data and use that to check the new files into github instead, which isn’t ideal. Fortunately, “somewhere” can be a home computer or whatever, but it still is something to have to think about.
Oh, and my guidance has generally been to add your image rendition cache to
. But this setup means that Heroku will have to rebuild the rendition
cache every time it spins up. Once a site gets to a certain size, that implies
that the rendition cache will take longer and longer to populate. The alternative
is to pre-warm your rendition cache and check it into your git repo instead and that is
extremely not ideal for quite a few reasons.
Come to think of it, using memcached means that it’s quite likely for a cached page render to persist beyond any cached image renditions it references. So, to that end, I would not recommend using memcached on Heroku at this time.
Possible future stuff
It’s possible (although extremely unlikely) that there may be a way to push content back up to git from the Heroku instance.
It might also be worth making it possible to store the image rendition cache into some sort of persistent object store like S3. But that’s already getting far beyond the weeds and goes off into distant tundra, as far as I’m concerned for the purposes of this project. (But if someone else wants to add that as an optional feature, I wouldn’t turn it down!)
There’s also a possibility that it would make sense to use some other, distributed file storage mechanism for storing content. Like an sshfs mount or something. That continues to not be ideal for so many reasons, though.