Publ: Development Blog

v0.5.1 released (also Authl v0.1.6)

Posted (5 years ago)

Oh gosh I seem to be on a roll with these updates again. Here’s what changed in Publ:

  • Fixed a silly bug in the admin dashboard renderer which made it not work in production mode
  • Make the admin log only record the most recent access per user per entry, making it way more useful
  • Make the logout operation happen via POST method rather than GET, fixing a problem with browser prefetching; added a logout.html template to support that. (Also made the default unauthorized.html use Authl’s default CSS.)
  • Actually make entry.authorized available, rather than just documented. Also gave it a better name while I was at it.
  • view.entries can now take an optional argument for inlining unauthorized entries, improving its usage within feeds.
  • view.unauthorized can now take an optional argument for limiting the unauthorized view count, which helps performance and makes it a bit more predictable
  • Images now provide their filename as the default alt text, which is arguably better for accessibility than just leaving it a blank string. I am willing to change my mind on this, however.
  • Cleaned up the code around category.subcats(recurse=True) and also added some actual tests for the sort ordering. They pass.

And the Authl changes (which were actually released before Publ 0.5.0 but I didn’t bother announcing them until I had them tested “in the wild”):

  • Changed to using packaged data for templates
  • Made the login page CSS available through url_for
  • Removed the spurious precision from the email message template

Anyway, I of course updated the sample templates to reflect the new functionality.

Wow, Publ’s feeling like it’s actually kinda pretty good at stuff now. I hope someone else ever wants to actually, like, use it or something.