Publ: Category objects

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The category object provides the following:

  • path: The full path to the category

  • basename: Just the last part of the category path

  • name: A display name for the category.

    This defaults to taking the category basename, converting _s to spaces, and then title-casing the name. For example, the category some/long/category_name will have a default name of "Category Name". This can be overridden using a meta file.

    Optionally takes HTML processing arguments.

  • subcats: The subcategories of this category. Takes the following argument:

    • recurse: Whether to include the subcategories of the subcategories, and their subcategories and so on. Possible values:

      • False: Only include direct subcategories (default)
      • True: Include all subcategories
  • parent: The parent category, if any

  • link: The link to the category; optionally takes the following arguments:

    • template: Which template to use when rendering the category
    • absolute: Whether to format this as an absolute or relative URL
      • False: Use a relative link (default)
      • True: Use an absolute link
  • first: Returns the first entry in this category; optionally takes view arguments

  • last: Returns the last entry in this category; optionally takes view arguments

    Note that first and last will potentially point to entries for which the user is not authorized. If that matters, use get_view instead.

  • get: Get a header defined in the meta file

  • get_all: Get all instances of a meta file header as a list

  • description: Get the category description from the meta file, if it exists. This optionally takes the standard HTML processing arguments.

  • sort_name: The name used for sorting

  • breadcrumb: A list of the categories that lead to this one, as category objects, including the current one.

  • root: The root category of the blog, useful for storing site-level metadata (such as the site name or global configuration).

    This is roughly equivalent to category.breadcrumb[0], but is slightly more efficient and easier to type.

  • tags: A list of tags available on the category, provided as pairs of name and count.

    This can take optional view arguments, such as recurse, tag, and tag_filter.

    There are multiple ways to access the tag information, depending on preference; for example, you can separate them in the loop:

    {% for name,count in category.tags %}
    <li><a href="{{view(tag=name)}}">{{name}}</a> ({{count}} entries)</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

    or you can get at them directly:

    {% for tag in category.tags %}
    <li><a href="{{view(}}">{{name}}</a> ({{tag.count}} entries)</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

    This does not provide any built-in sorting; you can use Jinja’s sort filter for that:

    {% for name,count in category.tags|sort(attribute='count',reverse=True) %}
    <li><a href="{{view(tag=name)}}">{{name}}</a> ({{count}} entries)</a></li>
    {% endfor %}

    If you want the tags to display based on a view you can pass in **view.spec as the argument list; for example, this snippet will override the page’s view to require all tags to be present, and print a refinement list of tags:

    {% set view = view(tag_filter='ALL') %}  {# modify view to require all
                                                selected tags to be present #}
        {% for name,count in category.tags(**view.spec) %}
        <li><a href="{{view.tag_toggle(name)}}">{{name}}</a> ({{count}})</li>
        {% endfor %}


  • image: Resolves an image relative to this category’s context, by path. This is a context-specific version of the global image function.

  • The following properties are also available but probably aren’t of use to template authors, and are only listed for the sake of completion. You should not rely on them for anything as they might change without warning.

    • file_path: The file path of the category’s metadata file

    • aliases: The various registered path aliases for this category

Example template code for printing out an entire directory structure (flattened):

{% for subcat in category.subcats(recurse=True) %}
<li>{{subcat.path}}: {{}}</li>
{% endfor %}

Example template code for printing out the directory structure in a nice recursive manner:

{% for subcat in category.subcats recursive %}
    <li>{{ subcat.basename }}: {{ }}
    {% if subcat.subcats %}
    <ul>{{ loop(subcat.subcats)}}</ul>
    {% endif %}</li>
{% endfor %}

Categories can also be compared to other categories, which is useful for determining if a subcategory is the same as this one. This snippet will show all of the categories on the website, with the currently-visible one getting a class of here and any parent categories getting a class of parent:

{% for subcat in category.root.subcats(recurse=True) %}
{% if subcat == category %}
<li class="here">{{category.path}}</li>
{% elseif subcat in category.breadcrumb %}
<li class="parent"><a href="{{}}">{{category.path}}</a></li>
{% else %}
<li><a href="{{}}">{{category.path}}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

Meta files

Category data can be added using a metadata file, which is simply a file whose name ends in .cat or .meta and lives somewhere in the content directory. Similarly to entry files, this will default to using its place in the content directory for the category to use, but this can also be overridden using a Category: header.

The headers supported by Publ itself:

  • Category: Specifies which category this file refers to
  • Name: Overrides the friendly/display name of the category (i.e.
  • Index-Template: Use this template instead of index when rendering this category (useful if you want to override a category or site’s index template without overriding its subcategories)
  • Entry-Template: Use this template instead of entry when rendering an entry
  • Sort-Name: The name to use when sorting this in a subcategory list
  • Path-Alias: Redirects an unused path to this category; can optionally take a template parameter
  • Path-Mount: Display an otherwise-unused path as if it’s a view of this category; can optionally take a template parameter

For example, given the file some/category/

Name: Random Category

it will set the name attribute of the some/category category to "Random Category". However, if the file contains:

Name: Specific Category
Category: other/category

then it will set the name attribute of the other/category category to "Specific Category".

Similarly to entries, this also supports the Path-Alias and Path-Mount headers; for example:

Category: /art/sketchbook
Path-Alias: /comics/cat-sketchbook.php archive
Path-Mount: /sketchbook

will redirect requests to /comics/cat-sketchbook.php to the /art/sketchbook category using the archive template (i.e. a path like /art/sketchbook/archive), and requests to /sketchbook will render this category using the default template (without redirecting).

You can also define any other arbitrary values you like, which will then be put on the category object, and which are accessible directly via get and get_all. The behavior is the same as on entry files.

Any text after the headers will be treated as the description for the category. Markdown is supported.

Note that at least one header is required. If you just want to provide a description and no other configuration, you can simply start the file with a blank line, or you can use a bogus header, for example:

Asdf: qwer

Here is a description with no real configuration.

If you want to change the order of subcategories in a subcategory list, that is easy to do with the Sort-Name property; for example, if you have categories named foo, bar, and baz which you want to appear in that order, you can do something like:

Sort-Name: 1-foo

Sort-Name: 2-bar

Sort-Name: 3-baz

in their respective categories.