Publ: Development Blog

Publ v0.6.7

Posted (4 years ago)

Publ v0.6.7 is out now. Various changes:

  • Now using Poetry for the build system
  • Cleaned up some Redirect-Url logic to cut down on the number of page load hops
  • Renamed the main branch to main1
  • Bail out on files which repeatedly fail indexer fixups
  • Default entry title and slug are now blank, rather than trying to guess from the filename
  • Officially deprecated Python 3.5 support, which hasn’t worked for quite some time anyway
  • Defer Authl loading, and other Authl-related changes to support the latest version
  • Add support for line-numbering and captions in code blocks

I’m already regretting some of the decisions I made with the fenced code amendments; in the future it will almost certainly switch to using <figure> and <figcaption>, and change some of the other structural bits. Feel free to share your opinions.

There’s also a known issue where the quick-login link (for e.g. Twitter) doesn’t work on pages which are login-required; this is actually an issue with the Authl login template, and has already been fixed in Authl pending the next release.

And speaking of Authl, the online docs are way better now. Hopefully it’s finally in a state where other people will be able to use it!

  1. My motor memory is still adjusting.