Publ: Development Blog

Better Markdown, trying to pace myself

Posted (6 years ago)

So, I have a problem where when I really get into a project I start to work myself to death on it. Perhaps not literally, but enough so that my limbic system thinks I’m dying. Last night I had a panic attack — my first in quite some time — due to me having pushed myself too hard.

Fortunately this project is getting to a point where I can slow down my development, which is pretty necessary for my sanity and long-term survival!

Anyway, here’s the major points of what I did last night:

  • Experimented with how I might go about supporting image renditions
  • Discovered that the Misaka Markdown library, despite not allowing for custom tags, does allow you to override the behavior of the image tag (![]()), and after some testing found that its implementation even allows some of the more advanced syntactical fun I wanted for this purpose! So I switched to Misaka.
  • While I was at it, I added in Pygments, a syntax highlighter that is easy to support through one of Misaka’s extensions. So now you might notice some pretty syntax highlighting on the various manual pages.

Incidentally, I haven’t found a suitable highlighter for publ entry format (there’s an rfc2822 module but Publ doesn’t follow its Date format), so if someone wants to write one that’d be appreciated! Even if it’s of incredibly niche interest (pretty much only for the Publ site itself, really). Fortunately an actual parser shouldn’t be too hard to implement; it only needs to know about Key: Value headers, transition to the body, and ..... cuts. Well, and I guess it’d be great if the body fell back to markdown syntax.

Oh, and I also wrote out a detailed spec for how image renditions might work. This is, as I said earlier, one of the biggest, most important parts of this project, and I’m really hoping I got it right!

The actual image scaling aspect in particular might seem a bit counterintuitive but it’s based on the actual workflow I was using for my comics, and everything is functionality that I have very specifically wanted and can see a lot of use for. But there might be some use case I’ve missed, or something might be redundant or better-expressed in some other way.

Also! While Misaka is generally better than Python-Markdown in pretty much every way that matters (robustness, speed, support for fenced code, conveniently mutable image tag parsing, strikethrough, tables,footnotes, highlighting, …) it does have a couple of downsides; in particular, as I mentioned above it doesn’t have a custom tag extension mechanism (at least, not without forking the underlying C library which leads to a whole huge mess I definitely do not want to touch as part of Publ).

This means that some functionality I was hoping to add at some point is pretty much off the table. For example, being able to support custom tags for embeds from standard sites; I wanted to eventually make it possible to do something like (for example) {embed|} and have inference rules automatically expand that to

or the like. But, hey, embeds work, so for now it’s okay for people to do that manually, right?

That said, the way Misaka implements the Hoedown renderer specification means that any of its tag extensions could be used as a hook for some other custom functionality. So maybe highlighting could be replaced… or, heck, it’s not out of the question to simply extend the [link](syntax) for “please embed this” — maybe in the future, writing code like [@embed](http:// would render like


The more I think about this (thanks, all you rubber ducks out there!] the more I like this — it’s in keeping with the mentality of simply extending things in an intuitive, humane way, right?

So, yeah, let me just state for the record that I am pretty sure that embeds will be handled via [@embed|arg1,arg2,...](link goes here) and that this will be a really useful extension for Publ to express.

Got comments on this proposal? Talk about it on the open issue!

Anyway, I’m going to bed before I work myself into anothpanic attack. Goodnight, y'all!