Publ: Getting started

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This guide will walk you through setting up Publ on your local computer so that you can build and run a site that runs locally. To learn how to run this website on a webserver, see the deployment guides.

Installing system requirements

You’ll need Python (at least version 3.6), and it’s a good idea to use a virtual environment manager as well. Any such manager (virtualenv, pipenv, poetry) is fine; the following instructions all assume poetry.


On macOS this is pretty straightforward; after installing Homebrew you can install Python with:

brew install python

As an alternative to homebrew you can install Python from the Python website, using your package manager of choice, or using pyenv.

Afterwards, install Poetry per the documentation.


Your distribution probably provides packages for python3; make sure to get python 3.6 or later, and to also install pip3.

Afterwards, install Poetry per the documentation.


  1. Install Python

    When you install, make sure to check the option for “add python to your PATH” and if you customize the installation, make sure it installs pip as well

  2. Install Visual Studio, making sure to select “Visual C++ build tools” at the very least.

    This is unfortunately necessary for some of the libraries Publ depends on. You can either install the Visual Studio Community Edition, or you can install just the build tools (under the “Tools for Visual Studio” section).

  3. (Optional, but recommended) Install some sort of bash environment, such as MinGW.

    The “git bash” that comes with Git for Windows is a pretty good choice.

  4. Install Poetry per the documentation

Making a website

  1. Clone a local copy of this website repository.

    You can use the command line (e.g. git clone or you can use your favorite git frontend for this (such as GitHub Desktop).

  2. Launch the website locally

    On macOS and Linux, or on Windows using git bash, run ./ (also from the same directory).

    On Windows, double-click the winrun.cmd file (which may appear as just winrun)

After the site reindex completes, connecting to http://localhost:5000 should show you this website.

If you need to run the site on a different port (for example, you get an error like OSError: [Errno 48] Address already in use), you can change this by setting the FLASK_RUN_PORT environment variable; for example:


will run the site at http://localhost:12345 instead.

Setting one up from scratch

Creating the environment

To make your own Publ-based site, you’ll want to create a new virtual environment to hold Publ in. As above, the following instructions assume poetry, although any other manager is fine.

poetry init -n
poetry add publ

Next, you’ll need an file. Here is a pretty minimal one:
import os
import publ

config = {
    'database_config': {
        'provider': 'sqlite',
        'filename': 'index.db'
app = publ.publ(__name__, config)

Now, you’ll need directories for your site content; create folders named content, templates, and static in the same directory as From the command line you can type:

mkdir -p content templates static

Then you can launch your (not yet very functional) site with

poetry run flask run

Now you should have a site running at http://localhost:5000 that does absolutely nothing! Congratulations!

Also, feel free to copy the and/or winrun.cmd from this website which will better automate subsequent setup steps.

Basic templates

For a fairly minimal site, create the file templates/index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>{{ or 'My simple site' }}</title>

<h1>{{ or 'My simple site'}}</h1>
{% for entry in view.entries %}
<h2><a href="{{entry.permalink}}">{{ entry.title }}</a></h2>
{{ entry.body }}

{% if entry.more %}
<a rel="more" href="{{entry.permalink}}">More...</a>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}


and templates/entry.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>{{ entry.title }}</title>

<h1><a href="{{}}">{{ or 'My simple site' }}</a></h1>
<h2>{{ entry.title }}</h2>

{{ entry.body }}
{{ entry.more }}


Now you can finally create a content file; for example, create a file called in the content directory:

Title: My first entry!

This is my first entry on this website.


This is the extended text.

After Publ sees the content file, it should now get some extra stuff in the headers, namely a Date, an Entry-ID, and a UUID. These are how Publ tracks the publishing information for the entry itself. It’s a good idea to leave them alone unless you know what you’re doing.

Anyway, read on for more information about how to build a bigger site!

What does what

Looking at the files for this site, here are some key things to look at:

  • pyproject.toml and poetry.lock: Package dependencies
  • Main “application” that runs the site
  • Procfile: Configures the site to run on Heroku
  • templates/: The site layout files (i.e. how to lay your content out). Some you can look at:
    • index.html: What renders when you view a category (e.g. /manual/)
    • entry.html: What renders when you look at an individual page (like this one)
    • feed.xml: The Atom feed
    • error.html: The error page (for example)
    • sitemap.xml: Produces a sitemap for search engines
  • content/: The content on this site (for example, this page’s content is stored in content/manual/Getting
  • static/: Things that never change; for example, stylesheets and Javascript libraries. For example, this site has:
    • style.css: the global stylesheet
    • lightbox: A library used for presenting images in a gallery (example page)
    • pygments.default.css: A stylesheet used by the Markdown engine when formatting code

For more information about templates, see the manual on template formats. The only absolutely required template is index.html, but it’s a good idea to also provide an entry.html.

For more information about content, see that manual page.

I also have made some of my own website templates available.

Putting it on the web

Getting a Publ site online depends a lot on how you’re going to be hosting it. If you’re savvy with Flask apps you probably know what to do; otherwise, check out the deployment guides to see if there’s anything that covers your usage.