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Entries tagged webmention

Embedding pings on your site

Posted Thursday, December 20 at 11:14 PM (5 years ago)

Are you using as your webmention endpoint? Want to get your incoming webmentions displayed on your website?

Well you’re in luck, I wrote a simple-ish script for that. (You’ll probably also want to see the accompanying stylesheet too.) And it doesn’t even require that you use Publ – it should work with any CMS, static or dynamic. The only requirement is that you use either or something that has a similar enough retrieval API.

I wrote more about it on my blog, where you can also see it in use. For now, I’m just going to use the sample site repository to manage it (and issues against it).

It’s MIT-licensed, so feel free to use it wherever and however you want and to modify it for your needs. I might improve it down the road but for now it’s mostly just a quick itch-scratching hack that does things the way I want it to.